The CICV Forum has welcomed the news that the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is backing the new Conflict Avoidance Pledge.
The CLC this week announced their support for the pledge, which sees clients and contractors committing to implementing conflict avoidance measures in their contracts and on site.
The measure, which was developed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, will reduce the financial cost of disputes and help projects be delivered on time and in budget.
Alan Wilson, Chair of the Forum and Managing Director of SELECT, said: “The introduction of an early intervention process into the sector is very welcome news for the construction industry in Scotland, as is the endorsement of the CLC.
“The timing of this is perfect given the current circumstances and all construction companies can use this process to resolve any contractual and payment issues. Members are encouraged to sign the Conflict Avoidance Pledge.”
Len Bunton (pictured above), Forum member and one of the country’s most experienced dispute resolution consultants, added his support.
He said: “This pledge means that we now have in place a proven and cost-effective process to resolve any contentious issues on construction projects and importantly to preserve relationships.
“I also encourage all construction organisations to sign the Conflict Avoidance Pledge.”
Andy Mitchell, chair of the CLC, said: “Preventing the escalation of problems with the delivery of construction projects into disputes is in the best interests of the whole supply chain and will save the industry significant time and money.
“The pledge has already delivered measurable results for those organisations that have used it, and we hope others will adopt it and help to build a more collaborative and stronger industry.”
The Conflict Avoidance Procedure has been designed to help parties avoid disputes and agree a settlement by mediating discussions, providing impartial and objective assessments of the issues, recommendations for bases for settlement and providing expert advice.
Organisations signing up to the pledge are encouraged to work collaboratively and use early intervention techniques throughout the supply chain to try and resolve issues before they escalate into disputes.
Several professional bodies in the construction and engineering sectors have already signed up, including the ICE, the RIBA, Transport for London and Network Rail.
Firms can sign up on the RICS website.