Tag: Fiona Hodgson

CICV: Clearer messaging needed to help public navigate net zero journey

Scotland’s second Green Home Festival has been hailed another resounding success – but its organisers have also insisted that government and industry must work closer together to deliver clearer guidance and “myth-bust” the misinformation around low-carbon living. More than 500 delegates signed up for the five-day renewables jamboree organised by the Construction Industry Collective Voice […]

CICV chair Alan says ‘quick wins’ are essential for Accord to succeed

CICV chair Alan Wilson says the new Scottish Construction Accord needs some “quick wins” to maximise industry engagement and convince the wider sector of its value. Launched last month by Scotland’s public sector and construction industry, the Accord is a shared commitment to help businesses thrive, enhance working conditions for employees, improve the delivery of […]

Forum changes name to Construction Industry Collective Voice (CICV)

After nearly two years dedicated to steering the Scottish building sector through the worst crisis in its history, the Forum has changed its name to reflect its expanded remit and ongoing collaborative vision for the future. The unique alliance of trade associations and professional bodies has been rebranded as the Construction Industry Collective Voice (CICV), […]

Forum issues new guidance and urges caution over easing of restrictions

As Scotland moves towards further easing of restrictions, the CICV Forum has issued more timely guidance and sounded a cautionary note, urging the sector to keep its focus on health and safety to protect colleagues, customers and families. The unique collaboration says the sector is “not out of the woods yet” and, with COVID-19 still […]

Key industry figures reveal highlights as Forum marks its first anniversary

After marking the anniversary of its first-ever meeting, key members of the CICV Forum have revealed their personal highlights of working together for the ever-expanding collective. The unique collaboration of trade associations, professional bodies, companies and individuals has helped guide the industry and public through a year of massive upheaval with a wealth of information […]