Clarity in a time of uncertainty

The guidance below has been introduced to offer some form of clarity to the industry as we all work in the most unusual of times. The advice is subject to change without notice depending on decisions taken by the Scottish or UK Governments. For more information or guidance, please keep visiting your relevant trade or professional body’s website.

Click on an image below to read or download. You can also watch our advice videos here.

FEB 2025: CICV Best Practice Guide
Note No5, with information on payment applications and schedules.

FEB 2025: CICV Best Practice Guide Note No4, with advice on variations and compensation events.

FEB 2025: CICV Best Practice Guide Note No3, with an in-depth insight into contract amendments.

FEB 2025: CICV Best Practice Guide Note No3, with an important overview on record-keeping.

FEB 2025: CICV Best Practice Guide Note No1A, with information on dealing with notices under NEC.

FEB 2025: CICV Best Practice Guide Note No1, with key recommendations on notices.

NOV 2024: An overview of the UK Government’s proposed employment reforms and their impact.

OCT 2022: Current government guidance and how to manage cases among your workforce as they arise.

FEB 2023: Best practice guidance on payments, cashflow and contracts for contractors and sub-contractors.

AUG 2022: Recommended operating procedures for working in domestic properties in Scotland.

AUG 2022: Downloadable fact sheet to be given to householders before domestic work starts.

AUG 2022: overview of Scottish Government funding streams for home energy improvements.

NOV 2021: Updated health and safety advice about working, underpinning Scottish Government guidance.

NOV 2021: This guide is designed to help organisations who are looking to secure funding for training.

NOV 2021: Helping employers identify safety-critical workers suffering from the ongoing effects of Long Covid .

JULY 2021: An example risk assessment to help keep operatives and their colleagues safe on-site.

JULY 2021: How to implement COVID-safe health and safety practices during close and enclosed working .

JUNE 2021: An overview of the current PI insurance situation and guidance for those looking for advice.

APR 2021: Guidance for mental health issues, with an overview of leading charities and support networks.

MAR 2021: Answers to possible questions during Health & Safety Executive (HSE) COVID-19 spot checks.

JAN 2021: Interactive PDF to help you fill out a health and safety checklist for employes working at home.

JAN 2021: Health and safety advice for employers and employees about working safely at home.

JAN 2021: An at-a-glance overview of what type of domestic construction work is permitted during lockdown.

DEC 2020: What face covering to wear in which situation, plus how to wear it properly and look after it.

JULY 2020: Actions that contractors and customers should take to keep each other safe during work.

JULY 2020: A set of seven documents, giving practical health and safety advice on a wide range of scenarios.

JULY 2020: Downloadable posters stressing the importance of physical distancing when not at work.

JUNE 2020: Practical health and safety advice for staff and apprentices preparing for a return to college.

JUNE 2020: A 32-page PowerPoint designed to be used as a Toolbox Talk to share health and safety guidance.

JUNE 2020: A pack of 20 posters, checklists and fact sheets advising on practical restart measures.

JUNE 2020: Details of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme.

JUNE 2020: Advice about the steps employers should take as workers return to work from furlough.

APR 2020: Updated information about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and advice on how to apply .

MAY 2020: Considerations that contractors should take into account once the resumption of works occurs.

MAY 2020: Framework for a large-scale public sector programme of asset base maintenance.

APR 2020: A report detailing a streamlined adjudication procedure for disputes below £50,000.

APR 2020: A report suggesting short-term measures to improve cashflow in the Scottish construction industry.

APR 2020: A guide outlining the current position on contracts in the construction industry.

APR 2020: A guide outlining the recommended operating procedures in commercial premises.

MAR 2020: A letter to be sent to domestic customers, explaining the safety measures that will be taken.

MAR 2020: A letter to be sent to commercial customers, explaining the safety measures that will be taken.

Important notice: The information on this website has a number of date-sensitive documents and you should always use the most up to date copy. The documents have been prepared by way of guidance and anyone who proposes to use them should consider the details based on their businesses obligations and, if necessary, take independent advice either from their own trade or professional body or legal advisors.  This will of course include recognition of all relevant health and safety legislation. Again, your trade or professional body will be able to assist with this.